jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

SAM, a female puppy

SAM is a female puppy who was abandoned last night in our clinic as if she were a left over. Her owner just opened our door, threw her in, and run away.
This homeless little one looks to have been well fed, she was cleaned, and is probably a cross with an alsatian.

Linda and Joe are caring for her while we find someone to take her home. She has been dewormed and is also free of fleas and ticks.
If you are interested in adopting these lovely puppy, please call on 958.82.88.75 (our clinic telephone) or Linda's mobile 628 64 32 35.

sábado, 20 de marzo de 2010

Puppy training

Are you fed up finding your new shoes completely Destroyed?
Written By Jessica Morales Romero from Clinica Natura Vets Practice, Salobrena.

New Rules
From the first day your puppy comes home you must teach him what to play with and what not. It is normal for puppies to chew but when you find him biting a forbidden object then say “no” strongly and take it away exchanging it immediately for one of the puppy´s own toys, if he decides to play with it congratulated him.

If he comes back and starts to chew the forbidden object again, then surprise him, hit the floor with an object or scream loudly, however you choose to react it is important to scare your puppy a little so he doesn`t want to chew that object again. He should stop this behavior very quickly if you are consistent with your response to chewing the wrong things.

A training programme is very important and it is sometimes easier with one puppy than another. When you are asleep or not at home your puppy may decide to destroy your furniture because he is bored or lonely. To avoid this behaviour leave him alone just for a few minutes at a time, building up to longer periods. Use his toys to entertain him and congratulate him each time he is good. Choose different rooms to leave him in and tell him off if he bites or destroys things. This way you will build up your puppies confidence to be left alone, he will learn from experience that you will always return to him and praise him if he has been good.

Before you leave your dog alone.
These are useful tips for your puppy and your adult dog.

Take them for a long walk before you go out so they can use up their excess energy, giving your furniture a chance to survive being chewed. It is much better if your dogs spend their time alone sleeping than destroying.

Secondly spend a couple of minutes of your time touching their toys too because you will leave your smell on them which is something that will calm them and it will help your puppy to choose his toys to play with and not your personal clothes (new shoes, dresses, etc).
Never forget not to excite them just before leaving home. Do not show them too obviously that you are going out, act in a calm way before leaving the house and then trust your rules will be followed.

Jessica is a qualified vet and owns the very popular Clinica Natura veterinary practice in Salobrena. Jessica not only runs her successful practice but is also very involved in the local pet rescue and rehoming scheme. For more information contact Jessica on 0034 958 88 75 or clinicanatura@hotmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.